Dave Howard

Church Elder

Dave became a new creation in Jesus at the age of 35. While living in Alabama, not yet a Christian, God was working in his heart in many areas. One night God showed him a “movie” of all the sin in his life. He couldn’t bear the weight of his sin as God had revealed it to him. God reminded Dave that Jesus died so that he could be forgiven and cleansed and become His. He prayed right then, confessing his sin, and asked God to forgive him and to take control of his life. He knew in that moment, everything was different. He was different—he was forgiven and he was a new creation!

Almost four years after he became a Christian, His wife, Debbie, gave her life to Jesus. They moved back to Oregon a short time after that. They have been members of Canby Christian Church for over twenty years. Dave is an avid hiker, and he loves spending time in God’s creation. One of the most exciting adventures, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa, allowed him to raise funds for a school project to benefit children in Uganda —a passion very close to his heart. Dave has a deep love of God, His Word, and His people. As an Elder, he faithfully serves the body of Christ at Canby Christian and has a strong desire to lead others to Christ.