Aaron Adame

Lead Pastor/Elder

Aaron Adame grew up in Southern California and lived there until God called him to the Pacific Northwest. In August 2017, Aaron became the Lead Pastor of Canby Christian Church and moved to Canby with his wife, Michelle, and their two daughters.

At the age of twenty, when religion was furthest from his mind, Aaron experienced the unimaginable—he became a Christian. And after hearing that God loved him and wanted a relationship with him, though He knew all the wicked and sinful things he had ever done, it broke his pride and caused him to cling to God for grace. It was all or nothing for Aaron, so when he accepted Christ, everything in his life changed—his vocational path in life was no exception. After serving as a ministry assistant for six years, he became an ordained pastor at one of the largest and most influential churches in Southern California.

He has filled many roles in the church, including leading high school students and launching a satellite campus. Aaron has earned a bachelor’s degree in applied theology from California Baptist University and is currently completing a Master’s Degree in Bible and Theology.
Aaron has been described as "passionate." Everything that he does, he does with purpose, vision, and care. Aaron loves everything about ministry; he especially enjoys seeing people come to faith and believers using their spiritual gifts and calling. The church is the one thing he never knew he always wanted and needed. Though Aaron understands community is possible outside the church, he believes the Body of Christ is the only place where, ideally, a person can be honest and transparent and still be loved, accepted, and cared for—like a true family. For this reason, Aaron has a passion for the local church and to see believers reaching their local community in conjunction with local assemblies.

Being from the crowded cities of southern California, Aaron loves the city. it would not be random so run into him and his family in downtown Portland, eating at a new foodie spot they found on yelp or through a local lead or sipping third-wave coffee and the many awesome coffee shops in downtown. But he also loves the outdoors—hunting, camping, and golfing. His favorite vacation spot would be somewhere sunny and hot, near a clear body of water and great food within close proximity. Though not originally from the PNW, he has a pioneer spirit and is not content to settle—He's a pilgrim aiming to please God, yet perfectly content in the center of God’s will.